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Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik


"Emergency aid from the air", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , 20.5.2022

The LARUS-PRO project funded by the BMBF in the course of the Civil Security research programme has been mentioned in an article of the national newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung as one of the leading projects in Germany which use drones for rescue missions in medical emergencies, forest fires, floodings and other desasters.  

Citation from the article (translated from the original): "In Germany, there are several start-ups that are ahead of the game. One lighthouse project in sea rescue is called Larus-Pro. Researchers from TU Dortmund and RWTH Aachen send a drone they developed out to sea to locate shipwrecked people. The drones are designed to cope with strong winds and gusts in the North Sea or Baltic Sea and quickly detect people in the water so that the rescue boats can head directly for the shipwrecked people with the help of the exact coordinates. On land, too, the drones could provide an accurate overview in the search for victims, in forest fires, natural disasters, accidents and disasters."

While the LARUS project was coordinated by the TU Dortmund, the successor LARUS-PRO is coordinated by the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service DGzRS.  The following video shows the results of the LARUS project, which was completed in 2019: Link to youtube-video.

"Mobilfunk: Open RAN - neue Spielregeln für den Mobilfunk"

Article in issue 21/2021 of the "Elektronik" magazine (page 76), detailing the potential and challenges of Open RAN for future wireless 5G/6G communication networks, October 2021.

Two Contributions to the 4th Edition of the "Wireless Research Handbook" from National Instruments (NI)

The Wireless Research Handbook presents two research platforms of the CNI in the areas of mmWave research and resource analysis of mobile networks:

  • "An Evaluation Platform for Beam Tracking in 5G Millimeter Wave Mobile Networks"
  • "SDR-based Monitoring of Resource Allocations on the LTE Air Interface with FALCON"

Released in September 2020.

"Bundesregierung: Seenotrettungsdrohne Larus erfolgreich getestet"

Article at heise online on the successfull tests of an unmanned aircraft system that supports maritime search and rescue missions, January 2020.

"555 Millionen für den Mittelstand"

Article in German newspaper "Westfälische Rundschau" on the wrong-way driver detection system developed jointly with a German SME, January 2020.

"DGzRS successfully tests unmanned aircraft system over the Baltic Sea to support maritime search and rescue"

Various television and radio broadcast reports on the final demonstrator of the research project LARUS, which has been coordinated by CNI, December 2019.

"Mobilfunk für das Connected Car"

Article in German ICT magazine "Funkschau" on 5G cababilities for connected car applications, December 2019.

"Das ist der Gipfel - Digitales Dortmund"

Report on Panel discussion with Minister Peter Altmeier and Minister Pinkwart at Wilo Smart City during the National Digital Summit ("Digitalgipfel"), October 2019.

"Digitale Feuerwehrbrille soll Leben retten"

Report in television program MDR on the BMBF-co-funded project CELIDON, to which CNI contributes reserach results on a high-precision indoor location system for rescue operations. 

"5G-NETZAUSBAU: Was kostet das und was bringt es mir?"

Report in newspaper "Die Welt" on the visit of Prof. Pinkwart of the government of the state NRW to the Competence Centre 5G.NRW (CC5G.NRW) on Augsut 28, 2019.

"Wie entsteht eigentlich ein Funkloch? Es ist kniffliger, als man denkt"

Interview with Prof. Wietfeld in the "Schwäbische" newspaper, July 2019.

"Retter in der Not"

Article in "mundo", July 2019. [Archived version]

"Verlauf der 5G-Versteigerung auf einen Blick"

Article in ITG-News, July 2019. [Archived version]

"Die Kommunikationsnetze-Communities zusammenbringen"

Article in ITG-News, July 2019. [Archived version]

"Kurier: Projekt für intelligente Straßen"

Video report in kurt-tv, June 2019

"Wenn eine App Autofahrer vor Gefahren warnt - Bald Praxis in Dortmund?"

Article in the Ruhrnachrichten, June 2019.

"Forschungsprogramm: Autonome Roboter als Einsatzhelfer in Gefahrenlagen"

Article at heise online, June 2019.

"Autofahrer, Radfahrer, Fußgänger – die Kreuzung der Zukunft denkt für alle mit"

Article in the Ruhrnachrichten, December 2018.

"Nationales Rettungsrobotik-Zentrum öffnet in Dortmund"

Article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Dezember 2018.

"Electric Vehicles and the Smart Power Grid"

Article in the newsletter of the Vehicular Technology Society of the IEEE, December 2017.

"Networked Rescue Robots: Standards Pave the Way From Prototypes to Deployments"

Article in the IEEE Standards E-Magazine, December 2017.

"Wenn Echtzeit ihr Versprechen hält"

Article in the journal "Best Practise", issue no. 3, 2017 and video on youtube.

"Die W-Frage: Wie funktioniert ein Navigationsgerät?"

Article in the Ruhrnachrichten on the special page "Wissenschaft in Dortmund", December 2016.

"E-Fahrzeuge im Härtetest"

Article in the Ruhrnachrichten concerning the international ISO/IEC-Testival, December 2015.

"Internet of Things - Siebter Sinn für das vernetzte Automobil"

Article in the journal "Elektronik Praxis" concerning the use of LTE for networking vehicles in road traffic, August 2015.

"Feuerwehr-Drohnen im Einsatz - Autonomer Flug im Schwarm"

Article in the "Feuerwehr-Magazin" about the ANCHORS-Project's results, August 2015.

"Sensorikroboter unterstützen die Feuerwehr - Erfolgreicher Einsatz des ANCHORS-Systems vor Fachpublikum"

unizet, July 2015.

"Im Stau stehen war gestern"

Article about the SFB 876-Project B4 "Analysis and Communication for Dynamic Traffic Prognosis" in the journal "mundo", July 2015.

"What happens when all the things become part of mobile networks?"

Interview about the wireless communication on the Internet of Things, All about M2M Blog, July 2015.

"Forschung für Europa- Erste Horizon-2020-Projekte an der TU Dortmund beginnen"

Report concerning the start of the AUTOMAT-Project in the unizet, April 2015.

"Wie WhatsApp bei der Feuerwehr zum Lebensretter wird ..."

Report in the WAZ-portal "" about hybrid localization methods on smartphones, that enable the localization of injured persons, February 2015.

"Absolventen mit Preis geehrt"

Reports in the Westfälische Rundschau and the Ruhrnachrichten concerning the honoring of the institute's graduate David Öhmann with the VDE-Absolventen-Preis, February 2014.

"Detektoren spüren Falschfahrer auf - Feldversuch in Bochum"

Reports in the Westfälische Rundschau, further newspapers, radio and television about a warning system for wrong-way drivers, which has been developed in cooperation with Schröder, a company from Herscheid, and the RWTH Aachen, November 2012.

"Elektroflitzer im Alltagstest"

Reports in the Ruhrnachrichten and in the Stadtanzeiger concerning the participation of TU Dortmund in the research project metropol-e, in which a local e-vehicle fleet is tested for the first time and optimized in terms of the use of renewable energies with the assistance of mobile communications technology, August 2012.

"Wie Flugroboter den Himmel erobern"

Report about the Airshieldproject, Wirtschaftswoche on April 19, 2012.

"Im Innovationslabor wachsen Ideen"

Report about the final presentation of the D2Sense-Team in the Innovationslabor, Pflichtlektüre on February 26, 2012.

"Mein Labor und ich: Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationsnetze"

Presentation of the institute's laboratory equipment in the series "Wissen in Dortmund", Ruhrnachrichten on February 23, 2012.

"Bahn frei für Elektromobile"

Article about the start of the CNI-project metropol-E, Westfälische Rundschau on February 14, 2012.

"Feuerwehr arbeitet mit Robotern"

TV report concerning the CNI-project Airshield in the "WDR Lokalzeit aus Dortmund" on January 4, 2012.

"Warnsystem kann Leben retten"

Report concerning the CNI-project D2Sense, Ruhrnachrichten on December 28, 2011.

"Nie mehr schieben: Dortmunder Kompetenzzentrum kümmert sich um die perfekte Infrastruktur für Elektroautos"

Article in the journal "mundo", December 2011.

"Autonomer Flug im Schwarm"

Article about the CNI-projects Airshield and AVIGLE in the "Feuerwehrmagazin", October 2011.

"An der TU Dortmund werden Elektrofahrzeuge und Komponten entwickelt - Minister lobt den Fortschritt"

Article concerning the CNI-Project TIE-IN in the Westfälische Rundschau on September 27, 2011.

"Fliegende Augen - Flugroboter werden zum universellen Werkzeug. Feuerwehr, Polizei und Umweltschützer erproben sie in der Praxis"

Article concerning the CNI-Projects Airshield and AVIGLE, "DIE ZEIT" on August 25, 2011.

"Pfiffig Strom sparen"

Article concerning the CNI-Project EDeMa in the NRZ on July 28, 2011.

"Wenn der Marktpreis niedrig ist"

Radio report in the program "Profit" on WDR5 concerning the Project E-DeMa on July 27, 2011.

"LTE-Mobilfunkstandard: Highspeed-Netz droht Stotter-Start“

Article in the economic journal "Wirtschaftswoche" on June 1, 2011.

"Kleine Schwarmflieger“

Article concerning the CNI-projects in the field of "host-based UAVs" in the Westdeutschen Allgemeinen Zeitung (WAZ) on January 29, 2011.

"Giftanalyse per Ferndiagnose“

Article in the August-issue of 2010 of the journal "Technology Review – Das MIT-Magazin für Innovation" in the series "Fokus Gefahrstoffe" (Online-Version)

Press Reports Concerning the Project Group "Schutzengel im Straßenverkehr":

  • „Elektronischer Schutzengel“, TV report in the program "AutoMobil – Das VOX Automagazin" on October 31, 2010.
  • "Frühwarnsystem warnt Autofahrer vor Schulkindern", Antenne Unna, August 2010.
  • "Schutzengel warnt Autofahrer per Funk", Article in the Westfälische Rundschau, July 2010.
  • "Schutzengel für Schüler kennt keine toten Winkel", Article in the Ruhrnachrichten, July 2010.
  • "Elektronischer Schutzengel · Warnsystem im Auto", in "WDR Lokalzeit", July 2010.
  • "Studentische Projektgruppe entwickelt Piepsranzen", in "Guten Abend RTL", July 2010.

"Mobile IT-Lösungen unterstützen die Feuerwehr bei der Schadensabwehr"

Film portrait concerning the CNI-project MobisPro, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie on April 30, 2010.

"Fliegende Spürnasen"

Radio report by Deutschlandfunk concerning the project Airshield, in the series "Schutz durch Technik" on March 15, 2010.

"Hilfe vom Himmel - Dortmunder Forscher arbeiten an Flugrobotern / Einsätzen von der Naturkatastrophe bis zur Stadtplanung"

Article in the Stimberger Zeitung on February 23, 2010.

"3-D-Welten per Drohnenschwarm"

Online report by the WDR concerning the start of the AVIGLE research project, February 2010.

"Mobilität aus erneuerbaren Quellen"

Article in the campus journal mundo, November 2009.

"Kooperation zwischen Elektrotechnik und Psychologie – BMBF-Projekt zur Verbesserung der Kommunikation in Notfällen wird mit drei Millionen Euro gefördert"

Article in the campus newspaper "Uni Zeit", November 2009.

"Items kooperiert mit Dortmunder Studenten"

Article in the Westfälische Rundschau, October 2009.

"TU Dortmund gewinnt mit AVIGLE bei Hightech.NRW"

Article in the journal of the TechnologieZentrumDortmund "TZDOnews", August 2009.

"Geschäftspläne von IKT-Studentinnen und -Studierenden ausgezeichnet"

Report on the ETIT-portal of the faculty, June 2009.

"TU Dortmund siegt mit fliegenden Robotern"

Article in the WAZ, June 2009.

"8. ITG-Tagung "Zukunft der Netze - Netze und Plattformen für Dienste ohne Grenzen"

Article in the issue no. 3-4, 2009 of the Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift ntz by VDE.

"Gratis-SMS nach Netzausfall - Systeme redundant aufgebaut"

Article in the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ) on April 23, 2009.

"Entwickelt für die Welt - Best Practise Kooperationen"

Information brochure of the IHK Dortmund, April 2009.

"Forschung für die zivile Sicherheit:Schutzsysteme für Sicherheits- und Rettungskräfte"

Information brochure of the BMBF including a report concerning the Airshieldproject, April 2009.

"Zukünftige Entwicklung des Mobilfunks"

Interview with Prof. Wietfeld in the program "ntv-wissen", December 2008.

"Zwischen Hörsaal und Klassenzimmer"

Article concerning "Schüleruni" by TU Dortmund in the Pflichtlektüre, December 2008.

"Schwarmintelligenz bei Maschinen - Neue Roboter bilden Rudel"

Article in the research section of the daily journal "Financial Times Deutschland" on October 27, 2008.

"Fliegende Funknetze weisen den Rettern den Weg: Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationsnetze bringt Katastrophenschutz ins Multimedia-Zeitalter"

Article in the journal "mundo", October 2008.

"Airshield - Fliegende Helfer für die Feuerwehr"

Extensive reactions by the press in daily newspapers and online publications concerning the kick-off of the BMBF joint project coordinated by the institute, since August 2008.

"Mit Satellitendiensten standortbezogen warnen"

Professional article about the CNI-project Galileo4Firebrigades in the online publication "Einsatznetz - Fit für die Feuerwehr", April 2008.

"Experten fordern intelligentes Netz"

Article in the daily newspaper "Die Welt", March 2008.

"CeBIT 2008: Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationsnetze präsentiert Notfallinformationssysteme"

Press release, March 2008.

"Dortmunder Forscher gewinnen bundesweite E-Energy-Ausschreibung"

Press release, March 2008.

"Galileo: Notruf für Feuerwehreinsatzkräfte"

Article in the unizet, December 2007.

"Sehr gute Berufschance für Dortmunder ET/IT-Absolventen"

Press release and article in the Ruhrnachrichten, February 2007.

"MobisPro: Mobiler Multimedia-Dienst für die Zusammenarbeit von Feuerwehr und Rettungsdiensten"

Article in the IT-journal "Kommune21", January 2007.

"Notfallvorsorge und Katastrophenschutz – Feuerwehrforschung in Dortmund"

on November 23, 2006, Source: WDR Studio Dortmund, report in the "Lokalzeit Dortmund".

"Bundessieger im Fallstudienwettbewerb"

"MORE-Vernetzte Eingebettete Systeme für Umweltüberwachung und Medizintechnik"

"Woher kommen die Modemgeräusche?"

Radio report in the WDR5 scientific program "Leonardo-Die kleine Anfrage" on March 6, 2006.


"ENUM - tElephone NUmber Mapping"

Radio interview with Prof. Wietfeld concerning the topic in the WDR5 scientific program "Leonardo" on September 28, 2005.

"Internet-Breitband: Mit Karacho ins Kaff"

Article concerning Wireless DSL and WiMAX in the journal Focus on July 11, 2005.

"Wireless DSL / WiMAX"

in the WDR5 scientific program "Leonardo" on May 17, 2005. Background material for educational purposes concerning the topic is added.

"Neuberufung Prof. Wietfeld"

Article in the journal "mundo", issue no. 4, 2005.