Collaborative Research Center 876
The collaborative research center SFB876 brings together data mining and embedded systems. On the one hand, embedded systems can be further improved using machine learning. On the other hand, data mining algorithms can be realized in hardware, e.g. FPGAs, or run on GPGPUs. The restrictions of ubiquitous systems in computing power, memory, and energy demand new algorithms for known learning tasks. These resource bounded learning algorithms may also be applied on extremely large data bases on servers.
Project duration: 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2022
Project Composition of the SFB 876
The collaborative research center is divided into multiple projects. An extensive overview of all projects and their main objective can be found on the homepage of the SFB 876.
The Communication Networks Institute attends projects A4 and B4
Excellent wireless localization technology - CNI team wins IPIN competition
The CNI team (Janis Tiemann, Fabian Eckermann and Christian Wietfeld) won first prize in the "Indoor Mobile Robot Localization" category within the…
ComNets-Awards for Graduates of the Institute
The coveted awards by the "Verein der Freunde und Förderer der ComNets-Einrichtungen", who dedicated themselves to the research on future…
Collaborative Research Center with CNI-Participation Approved for 4 More Years
In the Collaborative Research Center 876 (SFB 876), the combination of data analysis (Data Mining/Big Data) with networked, embedded systems…
Successful Completion of Björn Dusza's Doctoral Studies in the Collaborative Research Center 876
Due to strongly increasing data traffic in mobile communications, the influence of the intensive use of mobile services on the battery life of…
Empirical Evaluation of Predictive Channel-Aware Transmission for Resource Efficient Car-To-Cloud Communication
J. Pillmann, B. Sliwa, C. Kastin, C. Wietfeld,
In IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), Torino, Italy, November 2017.
Lightweight Joint Simulation of Vehicular Mobility and Communication with LIMoSim
B. Sliwa, et al.,
In IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), Torino, Italy, November 2017.
Urban Channel Models for Smart City IoT-Networks Based on Empirical Measurements of LoRa-links at 433 and 868 MHz
P. Jörke, S. Böcker, F. Liedmann, C. Wietfeld,
In IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications,…
On the Suitability of Bluetooth 5 for the Internet of Things: Performance and Scalability Analysis
S. Böcker, C. Arendt, C. Wietfeld,
In IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2017.
ScalaNC - Scalable heterogeneous link aggregation enabled by Network Coding
D. Behnke, et al.,
In 13th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2017), October 2017.
Scalable and Precise Multi-UAV Indoor Navigation using TDOA-based UWB Localization
J. Tiemann, C. Wietfeld,
In 2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Sapporo, Japan, September 2017.
LIMoSim: A lightweight and integrated approach for simulating vehicular mobility with OMNeT++
B. Sliwa, J. Pillmann, F. Eckermann, C. Wietfeld,
In OMNeT++ Community Summit 2017, Bremen, Germany, September 2017. (Best Contribution Award).
PhyNetLab: An IoT-Based Warehouse Testbed
R. Falkenberg, et al.,
In 2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), Prague, Czech Republic, September 2017.
Novel Common Vehicle Information Model (CVIM) for Future Automotive Vehicle Big Data Marketplaces
J. Pillmann, C. Wietfeld, A. Zarcula, T. Raugust, D. C. Alonso,
In IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium., June 2017.