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Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

Collaborative Research Center with CNI-Participation Approved for 4 More Years

  • News
  • SFB 876

In the Collaborative Research Center 876 (SFB 876), the combination of data analysis (Data Mining/Big Data) with networked, embedded systems (so-called Cyber-Physical Systems) is investigated in order to solve an abundance of problems of Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, Biomedicine, Physics and Mechanical Engineering. On the one hand, embedded systems are optimized by data analysis, on the other hand, analysis algorithms can, for example, be realized with the aid of FPGAs. At this, the Communication Networks Institute is involved in two sub-projects of the SFB:

- In one sub-project (A4), resource-efficient and distributed platforms for the integrative data analysis in the context of Industry 4.0 are investigated together with experts of Logistics and Information Technology

- In another sub-project (B4), scientists of the institute work together with colleagues of the fields of Information Technology and Physics of Traffic on novel methods for dynamic traffic forecast and control in inner cities using LTE-based vehicle-to-infrastructure-communication