Within the scope of the project SyncFuel (sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, BMVI), a system for charging of electric vehicles is developed under the leadership of the TU Dortmund. This system allows the use of self-generated electricity from regenerative power sources at remote charging points. Today, electricity created by privately owned photovoltaic and wind power plants can either be used locally or sold and fed into the public distribution grid.

The use of a synchronized mobile SmartMeter (SMSM) allows syncing the charging of an electric vehicle and the feed at a remote location. The potentially resulting electricity purchase costs reduction at the distant load column can lead to a refinancing option for e-vehicles and loading infrastructure. The SMSM is jointly developed by the Institute for Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Management and the Chair for Communication Networks. A field test with E-vehicles of the municipal fleet of the city Dortmund is held at selected locations of the Klinikum Westfalen GmbH in connection with municipal locations of the city of Dortmund and possibly private households. The project started on 01.01.2015 and has a duration of three years.
Project duration: 01.01.2015 - 30.09.2018
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