The PuLS project examines the possibilities of digitalization in the context of challenges resulting from energy system transformation and urban processes using the example of parking and charging infrastructure sharing. In addition to public parking lots, charging points for electric vehicles on private property should also be usable with the PuLS platform. The availability of parking and charging stations will be recorded by sensors and made available in the PuLS platform so that live maps will be available to parking and charging station users. In addition to parking lot detection, the platform integrates traffic flow and air quality sensors for real-time monitoring. The provision of such a platform poses new challenges for energy and communication systems.

Based on typical network configurations from the PuLS pilot area, network-related charging management concepts are derived from reducing the dynamic load on the distributed electric vehicle charging points. In addition to the analysis of power grids, the utilization of communication networks through the integration of a multitude of distributed sensors will also be investigated. In this context, different communication network approaches such as public mobile radio (LTE / NB-IoT) and LoRaWAN as a relevant technology of Low Power Wide Area Networks will be examined in terms of their performance and compared with each other. For the analysis of the energy grid and communication networks, the requirements of the PuLS environment as well as network and data traffic models are converted into detailed scenarios and then simulatively investigated. For evaluation purposes, an end-to-end system demonstrator will be set up in a laboratory environment at TU Dortmund university, which enables a performance analysis based on real hardware. The considered communication networks will be further tested and evaluated in a field-setup in real environments.
Project duration: 01.12.2019 - 31.05.2023
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure under the funding reference 03EMF0203B.