Doctoral Studies Concerning Hybrid Simulation of Energy Grids and Communication Networks Successfully Finished
On June 10, 2015, Dr.-Ing Hanno Georg successfully passed his doctoral examination to the topic "Co-Simulation Based Performance Evaluation of…
ICT-Foundation of the Year
Spin-Off of the institute awarded as "IKT-Gründung des Jahres" (English translation: "ICT-Foundation of the Year") by the Federal Minister of…
Successful Operation of Networked Sensor Robots at Large Scale Operation Drill by the Fire Department
A severe traffic accident, which has led to the damage of a nearby radioactive material testing source - That was the scenario of a large scale…
ComNets-Awards for Graduates of the Institute
The coveted awards by the "Verein der Freunde und Förderer der ComNets-Einrichtungen", who dedicated themselves to the research on future…
Collaborative Research Center with CNI-Participation Approved for 4 More Years
In the Collaborative Research Center 876 (SFB 876), the combination of data analysis (Data Mining/Big Data) with networked, embedded systems…
Ph.D. Thesis about Frequency Hopping for Femtocells Successfully Finished
The institute congratulates Markus Putzke to his successful doctoral examination, which he passed in December 2014. The title of his Ph.D. thesis is…
CNI @ Vodafone Innovation Days
We are happy to announce that CNI successfully presented two innovative solutions at Vodafone innovation days on 4th and 5th November 2014 at the…
National Testival about the ISO/IEC 15118 Vehicle-to-Grid Communication Interface on October 1 and 2, 2014 at the CNI
Within the context of the energy revolution, the integration of electric mobility into the Smart Grid takes a key position. So far, electric vehicles,…
DFG Research Group Extended
The demands to energy grids are continually becoming more complex because of the use of renewable sources of energy - and with that also the demands…