Dr.-Ing. Nils Dorsch receives dissertation award of the Rector of the TU Dortmund University
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The dissertation has become available as 17th volume of the series of dissertations completed at the CNI since 2008.
Key publications:
N. Dorsch, F. Kurtz, H. Georg, C. Hägerling, C. Wietfeld, "Software-Defined Networking for Smart Grid Communications: Applications, Challenges and Advantages", In Proceedings of the 5th5th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2014), IEEE, Venice, Italy, November 2014.
N. Dorsch, F. Kurtz, C. Wietfeld, "On the Economic Benefits of Software-Defined Networking and Networking Slicing for Smart Grid Communications", In NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking Journal, Springer, September 2018.
N. Dorsch, F. Kurtz, and C. Wietfeld, “Enabling Hard Services Guarantees in Software-Defined Smart Grid Infrastructures”, Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks, December 2018.