CNI presents 6G research at 6GNet conference
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At this year’s 6G Networking Conference in Paris, hosted by French network operator Orange, multiple CNI activities were presented: First, Simon Häger presented the contents of the paper “Deep Learning-enabled Road Traffic Monitoring Services using 6G mmWave Channel State Information” on Tuesday. Manuel Patchou then demonstrated “Immersive Situational Awareness for Robotic Assistance of First Responders Enabled by Reliable 6G Multi-X Communications” to the interested audience. Last, Simon Häger presented the paper “Design Aspects for Efficient Beam Training in 6G Millimeter-Wave Networks with Mobile Users.”
More information can be found here:
- M. Haferkamp, S. Häger, C. Wietfeld, "DL-enabled Road Traffic Monitoring Services using 6G mmWave Channel State Information," in International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet), Paris, France, October 2024. [pdf] [Details]
- M. Patchou, T. Gebauer, F. Schmickmann, S. Böcker, C. Wietfeld, "Immersive Situational Awareness for Robotic Assistance of First Responders Enabled by Reliable 6G Multi-X Communications," in International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet), Paris, France, October 2024. [pdf] [Details]
- S. Häger, B. Sabbah, C. Wietfeld, "Design Aspects for Efficient Beam Training in 6G Millimeter-Wave Networks with Mobile Users," in International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet), Paris, France, October 2024. [pdf] [Details]