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Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

To the Communication Networks Institute

Welcome to the

Communication Networks Institute

The Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Networks Institute (CNI) focuses on the re­search and development as well as the quantitative analysis of cutting-edge com­mu­ni­cation services, network architecture and their protocols. CNI has been led by Prof. Dr.-Ing Christian Wietfeld since 2005. With our numerous collaborative research projects, we contribute to the evolution of future wireless communication systems, in particular 5G+ and 6G networks, which are suited to fullfill challenging requirements in application fields like rescue robotics, automotive, smart grids, and the internet of things. 

The result of our research is documented in a wide range of publications, which have received a number of international awards. The impact of our research strongly builts on the integration of most recent machine learning techniques derived from our participation in the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 876 as well as on our excellent lab environment, which includes a mobile lab for experiments in the field, an outdoor testing site on the roof-top of a university building as well as access to unique test fields, such as the German Rescue Robotics Centre located nearby. 

We offer lectures on communication networks, mobile radio networks and the modelling and dimensioning of communication systems as well as entrepreneurial methods  in the field of Information & Communication Technology (ICT). The course catalog is supplemented with numerous practical labs.  We kindly invite interested students to to built up in-depth expertise mobile communication networks by joining our team as student assistant and by working on their final theses with us.


The German Rescue Robotics Centre (DRZ) team met at CNI

CNI was happy to host the bi-annual meeting of the German Rescue Robotics Centre (DRZ).

Christian Wietfeld selected as exemplary editor by IEEE ComSoc

For his contributions as editor of the IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine, Christian Wietfeld has been selected as exemplary editor 2024.

6GEM@MWC2025: CNI’s HELIOS reflector exhibited at Mobile World Congress

Our geometry-based passive IRS HELIOS developed in 6GEM for future 6G mmWave communications is exhibited at MWC 2025 in Barcelona, Spain.

Journal article on Passive Intelligent Reflecting Surface HELIOS published

The article presents an analytical reflection model for our HELIOS reflector concept, which was developed for IRS-assisted 6G mmWave communications.

Master Student Project Group SWIFTdrive (co-Simulated Wirelessly Integrated Framework for Teleoperated driving) successfully completed

In December 2024, the SWIFTdrive project group (short for co-Simulated Wirelessly Integrated Framework for Teleoperated Driving) presented its results…

Best of the year prize awarded to CNI member at the annual academic celebration of TU Dortmund

The CNI team congratulates M.Sc. Niklas Alexander Wagner for receiving the award of the rector for the best degree of the faculty.

6GEM team presents latest 6G research results at IEEE flagship conference GLOBECOM 2024

Together with many colleagues from 6GEM and the other German research hubs, CNI demonstrated the strong position of 6G research.

CNI presents 6G rescue robotics test field at PMRExpo in Cologne

CNI demonstrates 6G-based immersive robot control at this year's European trade fair for mission-critical communication (PMRExpo) in Cologne.