Project Groups
RAC3R - Rapid Assistance through Connected Remotely operated Rescue Robotics
- Project Group

The aim of the project group “RAC3R – Rapid Assistance through Connected Remotely operated Rescue Robotics” is to realize a reference system using a high-speed ground robot for rapid exploration of an unknown environment. To achieve the mission goal the communication link of the ground robots has to be capable of operation under tight constraints. Multiple Links, including a state of the art WiFi 6 system and a 4G/5G campus net shall ensure high-performance low-latency remote control. The analysis of the impact of the communication system and link-loss mitigation on the overall mission success through competitive benchmarking is a particular focus of the project group.
The deployment of mobile and networked robotic systems that support rescue forces is a promising approach to increase safety and efficiency in disaster response missions. To enable such use cases, solutions for high-performance wireless communication between robots and operators are essential. Especially in the highly unpredictable conditions of disaster scenarios, solutions for highly reliable and robust communications have yet to be developed. When using open frequency bands, the communication links may be affected -for example- by interference by other users of the same band.
The aim of the project group “RAC3R – Rapid Assistance through Connected Remotely operated Rescue Robotics” is to realize a reference system using a high-speed ground robot for rapid exploration of an unknown environment. To achieve the mission goal the communication link of the ground robots has to be capable of operation under tight constraints. Multiple Links, including a state of the art WiFi 6 system and a 4G/5G campus net shall ensure high-performance low-latency remote control. The analysis of the impact of the communication system and link-loss mitigation on the overall mission success through competitive benchmarking is a particular focus of the project group.
The envisioned tasks of the project group members are:
- Integration of the high-speed ground robot platform with video streaming and multi-link capable communication hardware
- Evaluation of the impact of degraded communications on the quality of the executed mission
- Develop concepts for the mitigation of degraded communication links to ensure stable execution of the rescue mission despite interference
- Competitive benchmarking (e.g. three sub-groups, each with one robot) through remote-controlled racing only through first person vision (communication quality and latency will strongly influence steerability!)
Lehrstuhl: Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationsnetze
Betreuer: Janis Tiemann, Johannes Güldenring, Manuel Patchou
Beginn ab: April 2020