International Student Exchange
RISE 2015
- Int. Student Exchange

01.11.2015 – From May to August 2015, Shuqing Chen from the Rice University in Houston completed a research internship at the Communication Networks Institute. Her research topic was the simulative analysis of the trade-off between resource efficiency and fairness among users in highly dynamic Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks. Her research topic is related to the projects A4 and B4 of SFB 876. Her approach was to assign users with bad channel conditions a higher transmission priority than users with good channel conditions in order to provide a reliable communication infrastructure to all users of a LTE cell. She realized the different priorities by using Quality of Service Class Indicators (QCI) which is proposed in the LTE standard. Using the CNI simulation cluster, Shuqing Chen implemented the QCI mechanisms in the Open-Source software platform LTE-Sim. In addition to this, performed various studies that show that her approach reaches a higher level reliability especially for users which suffer from bad channel conditions (e.g. if they are located at the cell edge).
The attendee in 2015:
Shuqing Chen (Rice University, Houston)
Optimizing LTE Networks for Reliable Communication under Harsh Channel Conditions