PlanGridEV is a European Project partly funded in the 7th Framework Programme. The main objective of PlanGridEV is to design new planning rules and operational principles for the optimal integration of Electric Vehicles for different network topologies and with different levels of DER penetration such as PV, wind and solar energy and micro CHP. Tools and methods will be developed that permit DSOs to design new or adapt existing planning rules and investment strategies to ensure technical efficiency and the cost-effective evolution of infrastructures to facilitate the mass roll-out of EV in networks characterized by different levels of DER penetration. Finally, recommendations for the regulatory framework and further developed business models will be elaborated. CNI supports the project with ICT architecture design and evaluates the impact of communication technologies and protocols on the proposed planning rules for DSOs.
Project duration: 01.06.2013 - 28.02.2016
![Logo of the PlanGridEV Project](/storages/cni-etit/r/Research/Projects/PlanGridEV.png)
Project Members
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