The aim of the project „open ECOSPhERE - Enabling open Markets with Grid & Customer-oriented Services for Plug-in Electric Vehicles “ is the linking of requirements and needs of future energy markets with rapidly changing demands of EV users. For this purpose, the project consortium develops service-oriented and user-friendly ICT solutions and applications to match the supply and demand of changing energy markets in the area of tension between user and energy systems, thus, leading to an efficient and sustainable market outcome.

Therefore, the present project focuses on two areas of innovation. On the one hand it concentrates on developing services for energy systems and on the other hand it deals with services for EVs and its users. The Communication Networks Institute is responsible for the design, analysis and evaluation of ICT-based strategies for the provision of energy services by EVs, especially in the context of specific use of fluctuating renewable energy sources for EV charging.
Project duration: 01.09.2012 - 30.11.2014
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