The Candidate Access Router Discovery (CARD) protocol specified in [1] is aimed to enable seamless IP layer handover by aiding seamless Layer 3 (L3) mobility management protocols like Fast Mobile IP (FMIP) by providing identity and capabilities information of the candidate access routers (CARs) to the mobile node (MN) prior to the initiation of handover while the MN is still connected to its current AR. The specifications as laid down in [1], however, specifies a very generic mechanism of the CARD protocol effective only in specificnetwork architecture scenarios and it doesn't take into account thestringent requirements of a fast moving MN and real timecommunication sessions, especially when it comes to resolvingcandidate access routers that may be adjacent geographically but nottopologically.This draft addresses the expected shortcomings of the base CARD protocol with respect to fast moving MNs and real time communicationsessions by proposing extensions that is expected to improve and/orenhance the performance of the generic CARD protocol as specified in[1].
Project duration: 01.04.2008 bis 30.04.2008