The electric mobility project “metropol-E” is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) in the next two years. Local mobility concepts are electrified, and will be tested in conjunction with intelligent and fast charging technologies in the Ruhr area. The municipal fleet in the city of Dortmund is expanded with electric vehicles and e-bikes and is associated with a variety of innovative electric mobility applications. Examples include innovative fast charging techniques and user-friendly accounting methods for full electric vehicles in the city pool.

All this is happening against the background of the intelligent integration of renewable energies. For CO2-free charging of the vehicle fleet intelligent photovoltaic systems and micro wind turbines will generate locally the required renewable electricity. The Communication Networks Institute will develop services that collect specific information about the vehicle fleet and integrate them into the booking and reservation system for vehicles. This networking will improve the mobility concept and the energy efficiency of the municipal fleet.
Project duration: 01.11.2011 bis 30.06.2015