For ships in distress at sea every minute counts. However, rescuers often receive imprecise emergency calls that do not contain all information required for an efficient deployment. This challenge applies in particular to rescue missions for persons in the water or small vehicles that do not carry locating devices. The LARUS project aims to develop an automated system that supports search and rescue of persons in distress at sea.
Project duration: 15.10.2016 - 14.10.2019

In the LARUS project, we aim to provide fast mission support through deployment of an unmanned aerial system (UAS). These systems can be used
- to decrease on-scene arrival time,
- to localize persons in distress and objects in the water,
- to identify and observe the situtation,
- and to provide communication resources (mobile relay).
The project develops the basis for an unmanned, automated search and localization system, that is fully integrated into civil airspace, to be deployed by the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service. Its various sensors and communication interfaces enable the UAS to be used in additional scenarios like offshore industry and disaster management.
LARUS is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under grant number 13N14133.
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