In the context of the energy revolution, electro mobility takes a central key position! From an energy-economic standpoint, electrical vehicles as controllable loads and decentralized energy storages can contribute to stabilizing power grids. Therefore, they play an important role when it comes to effective usage of grids, but also in the context of sustainable private transport.

Hence, the international standardization for ISO/IEC 15118 vehicle-to-grid (V2G) communication interface is the key factor for the interoperability of electric vehicles and future charging infrastructures, as well as for the integration of electro mobility in the energy-economic value chain. A precondition for that is the required broad acceptance of electro mobility and, thus, an intelligent and seamless infrastructure integration. This can only be attained economically, when the interoperability of all vehicles produced and deployed world-wide with the infrastructure can be ensured. Interoperability also plays a central role when it comes to user acceptance. The goal persists to have a million electric vehicles already placed in the german market until 2020. Since July 2012, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), therefore, funds the project "eNterop". Its goal is to ensure an interoperable communication between electric vehicles and charge spots. Only thereby, a broad acceptance of electro mobility can be attained. In the course of the project, automatable test runs shall be realized in software and hardware that help to ensure interoperability between such systems. On the other hand, a reference platform shall be defined and be publicly disclosed to help especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to access the market. The project with a lifespan of 2 years and a volume of approximately 4.6 million euros is funded at 50 percent by BMWi and the participating industry partners.
Project duration: 01.07.2012 bis 31.12.2014
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