In the research project e-Dash ("Electricity Demand and Supply Harmonization for EVs"), partly funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, the potential of virtual aggregation of large OEM specific EV fleets (Brand Fleets) is investigated. A major goal of the project is to establish the fleet manager of the EV as a natural participant in the energy market by dealing with the fleet's capacity at the OTC, Day-Ahead as well as the Intra-Day energy trading markets (e.g. EEX in Leipzig, Germany). An OEM specific and EV optimized Over-the-Air (OTA) Telematics Interface is developed enabling the fleet manager to optimize the utilization of the EV fleet as well as capacity or load provisioning to the grid. This near real-time fleet monitoring may ultimately optimize the energy trading processes and allow for more efficient utilization of EV battery capacities as well as economically more efficient use of EV fleets. The Communication Networks Institute of TU Dortmund is responsible for the design, the implementation and validation of the Over-the-Air Interface considering the EV fleet based use case scenarios in e-Dash. Major focus is set on the optimization potential enabled by the OTA interface due to its charge session independence compared to other state of the art V2G communication interface approaches. Current research in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) as well as Vehicle-to-Infrastructure standardization (e.g. ETSI) is addressed by the contributions of e-Dash.
Project duration: 01.09.2011 bis 30.11.2014