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Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

Dr.-Ing. Karsten Heimann

October 2011 - October 2014

Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at TU Dortmund University

April 2014 - June 2014

Internship at itemis AG in Lünen

October 2014 - December 2016

Master's Degree Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at TU Dortmund University

Since January 2017

Research Assistant at Communication Networks Institute


Custom Design and Experimental Evaluation of Passive Reflectors for mmWave Private Networks

S. Häger, M. Danger, K. Heimann, Y. Gümüs, S. Böcker, C. Wietfeld In IEEE Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), July 2024.

Empowering 6G Industrial Indoor Networks: Hands-On Evaluation of IRS-Enabled Multi-User mmWave Connectivity

M. Danger, S. Häger, K. Heimann, S. Böcker, C. Wietfeld In European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) & 6G Summit, June 2024.

Demo Abstract: Experimental 6G Research Platform for Digital Twin-enabled Beam Management

K. Heimann, S. Häger, C. Wietfeld In ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWac), October 2023.

Holistic Enlightening of Blackspots with Passive Tailorable Reflecting Surfaces for Efficient Urban mmWave Networks

S. Häger, K. Heimann, S. Böcker, C. Wietfeld In IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 39318-39332, April 2023.

Mobile-Data Network Analytics Highly Reliable Networks

R. Falkenberg, K. Heimann, B. Sliwa In Volume 3 Machine Learning under Resource Constraints - Applications, De Gruyter, December 2022.

Potential of Millimeter Wave Communications

K. Heimann, S. Häger, C. Wietfeld In Volume 3 Machine Learning under Resource Constraints - Applications, De Gruyter, December 2022.

Modeling and simulation of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for hybrid aerial and ground-based vehicular communications

K. Heimann, B. Sliwa, M. Patchou, C. Wietfeld In Proceedings of the 24th International ACM Conference MSWiM 2021

Reflecting Surfaces for Beyond Line-Of-Sight Coverage in Millimeter Wave Vehicular Networks

K. Heimann, A. Marsch, B. Sliwa, C. Wietfeld In IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), December 2020

Simulating hybrid aerial- and ground-based vehicular networks with ns-3 and LIMoSim

B. Sliwa, M. Patchou, K. Heimann, C. Wietfeld In Proceedings of the 2020 Workshop on Ns-3, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, June 2020

Cross-Bearing based Positioning as a Feature of 5G Millimeter Wave Beam Alignment

K. Heimann, J. Tiemann, S. Böcker, C. Wietfeld In IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring), Antwerp, Belgium, May 2020

Experimental 5G mmWave Beam Tracking Testbed for Evaluation of Vehicular Communications

K. Heimann, J. Tiemann, D. Yolchyan, C. Wietfeld In IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF) (WF-5G'19), September 2019.

Software-Defined End-to-End Evaluation Platform for Quality of Service in Non-Standalone 5G Systems

K. Heimann, P. Gorczak, C. Bektas, F. Girke, C. Wietfeld In 2019 Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), Orlando, Florida, USA

On the Potential of 5G mmWave Pencil Beam Antennas for UAV Communications: An Experimental Evaluation

K. Heimann, J. Tiemann, S. Böcker, C. Wietfeld, In 22nd International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, VDE Verlag GMBH Berlin und Offenbach, Mach…

Discover Your Competition in LTE: Client-Based Passive Data Rate Prediction by Machine Learning

R. Falkenberg, K. Heimann, C. Wietfeld, In 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Singapore, pp. 1–7, December 2017.

ScalaNC - Scalable heterogeneous link aggregation enabled by Network Coding

D. Behnke, et al., In 13th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2017), October 2017.