Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Wietfeld
Short CV:
Christian Wietfeld received the Dr.-Ing. and Dipl.-Ing. degrees from RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany. Since 2005, he is currently a Full Professor and the Head of the Communication Networks Institute (CNI) at TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany. He has been PI in more than 50 research projects on Internet-based mobile communication systems within both academia and industry . His current research interests include the design and performance evaluation of 5G and 6G communication networks for cyber-physical systems in energy, transport, robotics, and emergency response. He is currently a member of the management teams of the research initiatives 6GEM and CC5G.NRW. Prof. Wietfeld is the author of more than 450 peer-reviewed papers, has received more than 20 international best paper awards and holds several patents. He is a member of the Technical Editor Board of the IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine and co-founder of three start-ups.
Long CV:
Since 2005 Head of the Communication Networks Institute of the TU Dortmund University:
- Member of management team of 6GEM (BMBF) and CC5G.NRW (5G.NRW)
- Member of the Board the DFG SFB 876 (Deputy Speaker) (2014-2022)
- Project coordinator of the projects Airshield (BMBF), AVIGLE (Hightech.NRW), LARUS (BMBF) and Plan & Play (5G.NRW).
- Speaker of German-French research projects Anchors (BMBF) and BERCOM (BMBF)
- Lead scientist of the projects MORE (EU) und SPIDER (BMBF)
- Member of the steering group of the German Centre for Rescue Robotics (DRZ e.V.)
- PI of 40+ projects funded by DFG, EU, BMBF, BMDV, BMWK, NRW and industry
- Co-Chair of ITG (IEEE sister organization in Germany) committee "Communication networks and systems" (2008-2019)
- Officer within IEEE TC on Smart Grid Communications (2017-2021)
- Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Intern. Workshops on Wireless Networking for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles Wi-UAV (2010-2018)
- Co-Editor of the Journal on "Emerging Telecommunication Technologies", Wiley (from 2007 to 2015)
- Editor of IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine (from 2016)
- More than 400+ peer-reviewed conference papers, journal papers, book chapters and patent applications (H-Index 42 according to Google Scholar as of Nov 2023, List of Publications)
- 19 Best Paper Awards
- 21 supervised dissertations, approx. 15 PhD students
- Co-Founder of spin-offs comnovo GmbH, verisco GmbH and Smart Robotic Systems GmbH
- Member of transfer board of Centre for Entrepreneurship (CET) of TU Dortmund University
- Memberships: IEEE Senior Member, VDE ITG
1997-2005 Siemens AG, Mobile Communication Networks:
- Director Product Line Management: Mobile Service Platforms
- Director Systems Engineering: Performance Enhancing Proxies
- Standardization Manager 3G Networks (in ITU-T, ETSI, 3GPP)
- Board member of WAP Forums (today Open Mobile Alliance)
- Executive Management-Programs at Business Schools Kellogg/Chicago (2001) and Babson/Boston (2003)
- Part-time teaching assignment for lecture on "Mobile Radio Networks" at RWTH Aachen (1999-2004)
- „Outstanding Contribution Award“ of the ITU-T for contributions to the standardization of 3rd generation mobile networks (IMT-2000) (1999)
1998 „Borchers-Award“ of the RWTH Aachen for outstanding dissertation
1997 Dr.-Ing. with thesis on „Mobile Radio Networks for European Traffic Telematics", summa cum laude
1992-1997 RWTH Aachen, Researcher at the Chair of Communications Networks (ComNets/Prof. Walke):
- Various collaborative research projects related to Vehicle-to-X Communications and in particular Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC)
- Contributions to CEN TC 278 Road Transport and Traffic Telematics / ISO TC 204 Intelligent Transport Systems
- Project Team Leader of expert group drafting the EN ISO 14906 standard
1986-1992 Electrical Engineering at RWTH Aachen, Graduated as Dipl.-Ing.
- Specialization in Communications Engineering
- Industrial Traineeship with Siemens Communication Systems in England (1991)
System Design, Modelling and Quantative Performance Evaluation of Cutting-edge Communication Networks and Cyber Physical Systems:
- 5G with specific focus on Campus Networks
- 6G with focus on Mission-Critical Machine-Type Communications and Digital Network Twins
- Smart Grid / Electric Vehicle Communications
- Cognitive Networking for Unmanned Autonomous (especially Aerial) Vehicles
- Energy-autonomous, Geo-based Sensor Networks, inkl. High-Precision Wireless Positioning Technologies
- Multi-Scale, Stochastic Simulation
Google Scholar Profile (4800+ citations, H-Index 35, 09/2020)
- Co-Chair of ITG (IEEE sister organization in Germany) committee "Communication networks and systems" (2008-2019)
- Co-editor for journal "Emerging Telecommunication Technologies", published by Wiley (2007-2015)
- Officer within IEEE TC on Smart Grid Communications (Secretary of committee from 2017)
- List of contributions to the preparation of international conferences, primarly in IEEE context
- Dean of the Faculty Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (2010-2012)
- Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (2008-2010)
- Member of the Senate of the University (2006-2008)
- Teaching Quality Evaluation Officer (since 2005)
Press material is located here