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Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

Best Paper Award for 6G research with Ericsson and Fraunhofer IPT

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Recent research on the IRS (Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces)-enabled mmWave systems in industrial environments presented at IEEE conference in Rome.

While many of our team were active at the 6G conference in Berlin (see separate news), CNI researcher Marco Danger presented in parallel our joint work regarding IRS-enabled mmWave connectivity in production environments at the IEEE Measurement & Network symposium in Rome and received there the Best Paper Young Researcher Award.

Congratulations to all authors for this international recognition of the research performed with the German 6G program, in particular, the team leads Stefan Böcker from TU Dortmund, Maciej Muehleisen & Junaid Ansari from Ericsson, and Niels König from Fraunhofer IPT!

The support of the BMBF for this research in 6G-ANNA and 6GEM is greatfully acknowledged.

Link to paper:

M. Danger, C. Arendt, H. Schippers, S. Böcker, M. Muehleisen, P. Becker, J. B. Caro, G. Gjorgjievska, M. A. Latif, J. Ansari, N. Beckmann, N. König, R. Schmitt, C. Wietfeld, "Performance Evaluation of IRS-enhanced mmWave Connectivity for 6G Industrial Networks", in IEEE International Symposium on Measurements and Networking (M&N), Rome, Italy, July 2024.  [pdf]