NRW-Minister Mona Neubaur visits Dortmund to discuss sustainable 5G and 6G research
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Advancing and establishing the 5G mobile communications standard and associated digital innovations in North Rhine-Westphalia - this is the goal of the Competence Center 5G.NRW (CC5G.NRW), in which TU Dortmund University and its Chair for Communication Networks play a key role. With the "5G.NRWeek", it has created an event format for this purpose, which serves as a central exchange platform around the topic of intelligent connectivity and was organized this year from November 7 to 10 in cooperation with the 6G Research Hub 6GEM, which is funded by the BMBF.
The highlight of the 5G.NRWeek event week was the annual conference on Thursday, November 10, 2022, which was attended by NRW's Minister of Economic Affairs Mona Neubaur as patron. The preparation and implementation at Fraunhofer IML's Logistics Campus was significantly supported across faculties on the part of TU Dortmund University by the Chairs for Communication Networks (Prof. Dr.-Ing. C. Wietfeld) and Materials Handling and Warehousing (Prof. Dr. -Ing. Michael ten Hompel).
Under the motto "From 5G to 6G - connectivity in the face of global crises", the host Logistics Campus Dortmund experts from academia, industry and politics discussed the contribution that the information and communications technology (ICT) sector can and must make to climate and environmental protection, energy security and thus sustainable value creation.
Beyond the conference day at Dortmund, this year's "5GNRWeek" also offered a diverse weekly program of online events, workshops and discussion formats that thematically addressed the current state of 5G technology, prerequisites for high-performance 5G applications as well as ongoing developments on the future topic of 6G. For example, the Chair for Communication Networks at TU Dortmund University held a webinar on the topic of 6G entitled "Insights in on-going progress within the 6GEM research hub" on Wednesday, November 9, 2022.
The partners of the CC5G.NRW are Wuppertal University (coordinator), Duisburg-Essen University, TU Dortmund University and FIR at RWTH Aachen University.
The main partners of the 6GEM research hub are RWTH Aachen (coordinator), Bochum University, TU Dortmund University, Duisburg-Essen University and three Fraunhofer institutes (FHR, IML and IMS) and the MPI for Security and Privacy in Bochum.
Further information on the conference and the recording of the live stream can be found at:
Twitter message from the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs:
More information on BMBF-funded 6GEM reserach hub can be found here: