Highlight of the year: 6G conference in Berlin
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- 6GEM

Those complex demos featuring our HELIOS reflector with mmWave connectivity, real-time robotics control enabled by the xApp SAMUS, and immersive control of connected robotics enabled by the SEAMLESS protocol could only be realized thanks to the excellent collaboration with our 6GEM and 6G-ANNA partners Fraunhofer IML & IPT, Ericsson and DRZ - Deutsches Rettungsrobotik-Zentrum e.V..
It was also a pleasure to contribute to panels related to Intelligent Reflective Surfaces (IRS) (organized by Ehsan Tohidi, Aydin Sezgin and Robert Schober) and connected robotics (organized by Slawomir Stanczak from TU Berlin).
Further information and press releases:
Press release DFKI with reference to our demonstrator
Press release of 1&1 Mobilfunk