Guest lecture of industry experts as part of Mobile Radio Networks course
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Introduced by LTE release 12 specifications, cellular networks are able to integrate device-to-device (D2D) communications via the so-called Sidelink, which complements the typical Uplink and Downlink types of infrastructure-tied transmissions. This technology allows for full operation in out-of-coverage scenarios or relaying to devices exceeding the network’s reach, which is particularly interesting for the automotive industry in terms of vehicular communications. Thus, basic road safety features in the scope of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) services were specified by the late LTE releases using Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAM) and Decentralized Environmental Notification Messages (DENM) messages and later enhanced by the successor 5G. Hence, 5G features such D2D capabilities and continuously extends to advanced use cases, e.g. platooning as part of cooperative automated driving.
Within the scope of the Mobile Radio Networks 2 (MRN2) course, master’s students learn about advanced 4G/5G network features such as cellular V2X communications as well as WiFi amendments for car-to-car communications. VW Infotainment, located in the nearby city of Bochum and part of the Volkswagen Group, participates in relevant standardization bodies and industry associations. Therefore, CNI was happy to host experts Ernst Zielinski and Matthias Priebe who gave insights into the company and an expert talk on 5G standardization and V2X communications, nicely complementing and deepening the MRN2 course contents. The talk provided interesting insights into the automaker’s view and experiences in standardization efforts for mobile and vehicular wireless communication systems as well as into the role of industrial consortia such as 5GAA and C2C-CC.
All in all, the talk was a great experience for (future) telecommunications engineers and offered a refreshing view on the sector and future prospects. Once again, CNI thanks VW Infotainment and - in particular - Ernst Zielinski and Matthias Priebe for the interesting guest lecture and the fruitful Q&A session afterward.