CNI successfully contributes to 6G White Paper Expert Groups
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As an extended part of the 2nd 6G Wireless Summit 2020, which has been successfully organized as a virtual event, a total of twelve white papers were prepared on the following topics:
- 6G Drivers and UN SDGs
- Validation and Trials for Verticals
- Machine Learning in Wireless Communications (CNI contribution)
- Networking
- Broadband Connectivity for 6G
- RF & Spectrum
- Connectivity for Remote Areas
- Business of 6G
- Edge Intelligence
- Security and Privacy
- Critical and Massive MTC towards 6G (CNI contribution and Section Lead Editor)
- Localization and Sensing
Each Expert Group has organized its work in period January-April 2020 in terms of e.g. novel ideas, illustrative graphics, and active participation in discussions. Expert Group meetings have been primarily organized via web conferences and shared online workspaces. Draft versions of all white papers are now available in arXiv and will be published in the 6G Research Visions –series of the University of Oulu with a specific DOI, ISBN number till the end of June.
All twelve 6G white papers can be accessed collectively via the 6G White Papers Landing Page.
Focus on 6G White Papers with CNI Contributions
Critical and Massive MTC towards 6G
The growing and diverse application of IoT means that critical and massive MTC will play a dominant role in 6G networks. The working group aimed to establish an over-arching vision for the evolution of MTC towards 6G by identifying the most relevant use cases, requirements and enabling technologies. In this context, the CNI was strongly involved and took the lead for the section on Mission-Critical Machine Type Communication. Available online:
- N. H. Mahmood, S. Böcker, A. Munari, F. Clazzer, I. Moerman, K. Mikhaylov, O. Lopez, O. S. Park, E. Mercier, H. Bartz, R. Jüntti, R. Pragada, Y. Ma, E. Annanperä, C. Wietfeld, M. Andraud, G. Liva, Y. Chen, E. Garro, F. Burkhardt, H. Alves, C. F. Liu, Y. Sadi, J. B. Dore, E. Kim, J. Shin, G. Y. Park, S. K. Kim, C. Yoon, K. Anwar, P. Seppänen, "White Paper on Critical and Massive Machine Type Communication Towards 6G", April 2020.
Machine Learning in Wireless Communications
TThe objective of this group was to provide the vision and future directions of research for machine learning in wireless communications. The group aimed to move from hype to reality and to find the key areas where machine learning can solve challenges regarding wireless communications and be integrated into 6G wireless system design. Available online:
- S. Ali, W. Saad, N. Rajatheva, K. Chang, D. Steinbach, B. Sliwa, C. Wietfeld, K. Mei, H. Shiri, H. J. Zepernick, T. M. C. Chu, I. Ahmad, J. Huusko, J. Suutala, S. Bhadauria, V. Bhatia, R. Mitra, S. Amuru, R. Abbas, B. Shao, M. Capobianco, G. Yu, M. Claes, T. Karvonen, M. Chen, M. Girnyk, H. Malik, "6G White Paper on Machine Learning in Wireless Communication Networks", April 2020.
Further information