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Work on CNI's SEAMLESS-protocol receives best paper award at IEEE conference

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CNI Researchers at Fukushima Robot Testfield © CNI 2023
Tim Gebauer and Manuel Patchou from CNI/TU Dortmund at the entrance of the robot test field in Fukushima, Japan.
CNI Researchers win Best Paper Award at IEEE SSRR 2023 © CNI 2023
Announcement of Best Paper Award for TU Dortmund's CNI authors on IEEE SSRR 2023 awards session

TU Dortmund scientists presented recent work on IEEE Int. Symp. on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics and visited the Fukushima robot test field.

Tim Gebauer and Manuel Patchou from TU Dortmund's CNI presented recent work on new wireless communication solutions for rescue robotics from DRZ, LARUS-PRO and 6GEM:

  • T. Gebauer, M. Patchou, C. Wietfeld, "SEAMLESS: Radio Metric Aware Multi-Link Transmission for Resilient Rescue Robotics", In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), Fukushima, Japan, November 2023. (Best Paper Award). [pdf]
  • M. Patchou, T. Gebauer, C. Krieger, S. Böcker, C. Wietfeld, "Distributed Realtime Wireless Network Emulation for Multi-Robot and Multi-Link Setup Evaluation", In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), Fukushima, Japan, November 2023.  [pdf]

The first photo shows Tim Gebauer and Manuel Patchou at the entrance of the Fukushima Robot test field, which has been established in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2021. 

The second photo shows the annoucemnet of the "Best Paper Award" at the awards session of the confernce. The whole team of CNI congratulates the authors to this special recognition of the research.

The support of the BMBF for this research is greatfully acknowledged.