Topics for final thesis projects summarized in updated flyer
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Selecting the final thesis of a Bachelor or Master course is a very important decision: it is the final step of the studies and should enable you to allow you to demonstrate your capabilities as a future engineer. At CNI, we have a lot of experience in supporting students in this final phase of their studies, demonstrated by over 350 final thesis projects supervised since 2005. We have established for example a structured process, which tracks the progress of a final thesis in so called intermediate presentations. Often a final thesis project at CNI also involves working with state-of-the-art lab equipment. Sometimes a final thesis also paves the way for a future work as researcher at CNI (as for the three researchers shown on the above picture, who have become members of the CNI time after completing their Master thesis with CNI). In order to help students to find "their" topic, we have recently updated our flyer on topics for final thesis projects at CNI.