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TU Dortmund's CNI contributes to the establishment of the German Centre for Rescue Robotics in Dortmund

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On October 1, 2018, a new project has started - funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) - which aims to establish a national competence center for rescue robotics. For the first time in Germany, first responders, researchers and industry will work closely together to realize autonomous rescue robots, which will become part of national as well as international robotic task forces for emergency rescue operations. Additionally, new test procedures will be developed, which will form the basis for standardization and certification of different robot systems acting outdoor on the ground, in the air, in water, as well as indoor. Based on its long-term track record in this research area, the Communication Networks Institute (CNI) will lead the work related to robust wireless communications of robotic systems, which allow for reliable operation even in challenging conditions of rescue operations

Coordinated by the Institute for Fire and Rescue Technologies, the center will be established with numerous national partner organizations in Dortmund in the Phoenix West area with outdoor and indoor experimental grounds as a so-called "living lab". The partners are amongst others national research institutes (DFKI, Fraunhofer), industry (minimax Viking),  fire protection organizations, universities (Bonn, Darmstadt, Lübeck) and universities of applied sciences (Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen). The center places a strong emphasis on international networking. In the area of communications, the international workshop on wireless communications for unmanned autonomous vehicles (Wi-UAV) is an import collaboration platform, which has been established by Prof. Wietfeld together with his colleagues Prof. How from MIT in 2010.      

Further information:

Description of project (in German)

IEEE Globecom Wi-UAV Workshop