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Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
B. Jablkowski, M. Küch, N. Dorsch, A. Kubis, O. Spincyzk, C. Wietfeld, C. Rehtanz

Poster Abstract: vGridLab — a testbed for virtualized smart grids

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Wietfeld
  • Publications

In Computer Science - Research and Development, Springer, vol. 33, pp. 245–246, August 2017.


vGridLab, a testbed aiming at the development, deployment and validation of virtualized smart grid functions is presented. The environment enables the evaluation of the functional aspects of virtualized smart grid applications as well as the non-functional characteristics of the underlying information and communication technology. We provide an overview of the vGridLab architecture, elucidate the components required to set up an adequate evaluation environment for virtualized smart grid functions and describe the characteristics that can be obtained using the testbed.