Optimization and Control via 5G Core Networks Technolgies
- Project Group

CNI and ie3 jointly offer a project group at the intersection of communication and control. The project combines recent advances from both disciplines to contribute to the field of industrial cyber-physical systems.
Modern applications in the domain of Industry 4.0 are associated with demanding requirements in terms of control and communication. Thus, to achieve the goals of this project group, the team has to setup a state-of-the art network demonstrator based on the Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) technology of 5G. Thereby, critical communication flows can be provided with the necessary level of reliability and timing as specified by cyber-phsyical systems. Second, distributed optimization and control algorithms shall be implemented on embedded hardware that will be integrated into the communication network setup. The real-time capabilites of the TSN based 5G core network enable the implemented methods to carry out important tasks such as process control, machine learning applications and many more in networked systems. Possible scenarios include such demanding areas as Smart Grids, Industry 4.0 and Autonomous Systems. The group will form expert teams on communication networks as well as on optimization and control. The project is therefore well suited for students who are interested in either discipline (communication networks or optimization and control) or both.
Further information:
Chairs: CNI and ie3
Supervisors: Fabian Kurtz (CNI), Gösta Stomberg (ie3)
Start date: November 2020