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Oliver Fuhr’s Bachelor Thesis Got Awarded with the DRIVE-E Study Prize

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The Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft awarded four prize winners with up to 6,000 euros for their excellent theses on the issue of electric mobility in the Porsche museum in Stuttgart. Oliver Fuhr won the second prize in the category Project and Bachelor Theses. His thesis, which was developed at the Communication Networks Institute and supervised by Prof. Christian Wietfeld, deals with the question of how solar panels and vehicles can communicate with one another to enable remote charging.


Federal Research Minister Johanna Wanka said in celebration of the award ceremony (translated from German): "I congratulate all DRIVE-E winners. You work for sustainable mobility, that uses resources efficiently, is climate-friendly and maintains our quality of life. With your enthusiasm and your technical know-how, chances are good for Germany to keep up playing a prominent role as an automobile manufacturer and mobility provider in the future."

The DRIVE-E-Academy takes place annually and gives students of all German universities the chance to gain an exclusive insight into the theory and practice of electric mobility. 

Prof. Dr. Alexander Kurz - the executive board of Fraunhofer responsible for Human Resources, Law and Utilization - showed himself impressed by the innovative works and stated (translated from German): "The awarded theses give an important signal for the future of electric mobility in Germany. We are pleased to pay tribute to this commitment with the DRIVE-E Study Prize.
These theses hold huge potential for providing technical solutions to some of the most pressing questions of electric mobility. This relates in particular to the battery cells and systems’ performances and with this, to the increased vehicle range as well as to the question of optimized charging infrastructure.“