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New VDE ITG discussion paper "Offenes Internet in Deutschland - Eine Bestandsaufnahme"

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16 experts of the field of science and industry - among them, also head of the CNI Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Wietfeld - have published a discussion paper dealing with questions all about the open internet and the advancement of network neutrality in Germany. Head of the ITG Prof. Dr.-Ing Hans Schotten gives a classification (translated from German): "Recommendations, which technical boundary conditions have to be kept in mind concerning the advancement of network neutrality, are given. The intention of this is to ensure the essential goal of a transparent network access free from discrimination, on the one hand, but then also to be able to support services having high demands towards data transmission quality. Since the idea of static defined special services, for which exceptions are accepted, could impede innovations, intelligent dynamic mechanisms, that allow the different demands towards the 'open internet' to be realized simultaneously and as conflict-free as possible, are needed. The discussion paper gives an excellent contribution by presenting technical opportunities for action to the social discussion."

The discussion paper can be downloaded from the VDE Shop.