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Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

New Book on the Subject of "Underground Sensing" - A Contribution of the CNI

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The results of an international book project on the subject of "Underground Sensing“ has been published this month. Within the TaMIS project (Talsperren-Mess- und Informationssystem), which is funded by the BMBF, the CNI has been dealing with a radio-based sensor system to measure moistness in the subsoil since 2015 (http://tamis.kn.e-technik.tu-dortmund.de/).

Respectively to this project the book project’s publisher Prof. Liang Cheng from the Lehigh University in the USA requested a contribution on that topic, which the CNI replied to with an article titled "Integration of UAVs with Underground Sensing: Systems and Applications“. Because of the thematic connection to the use of flight robots (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - UAVs), the book-entry reaches beyond the current project and sketches future research outlooks. In 2012, Prof. Liang Cheng spent his sabbatical year at the Institute and is a long-standing research partner of Prof. Wietfeld.

C. Wietfeld, "Integration of UAVs with Underground Sensing: Systems and Applications", book chapter in "Underground Sensing: Monitoring and hazard detection for environment and infrastructure", Editors: Sibel Pamokcu, Liang Chang. Elsevier-Academic Press, pp. 403-416, 2018.


Further results of TaMIS:

F. Liedmann, C. Wietfeld, "SoMoS - a Multidimensional Radio Field Based Soil Moisture Sensing System", In IEEE Sensors, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Oktober 2017.