N. Dorsch, F. Kurtz, C. Wietfeld, Communications in Distributed Smart Grid Control: Software-Defined vs. Legacy Networks, In IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration, Beijing, China, November 2017.
- Best Paper Awards

Abstract - To deal with the challenges of increasingly fluctuating power flows in future energy systems, distributed control using a Multi-Agent System (MAS) is considered a promising solution. However, these agents require appropriate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructures to coordinate their actions. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a novel approach for dynamic and flexible configuration of communication networks, which enables integration of reliability and security enhancing measures, while optimizing network load and cost efficiency. In this work, the concept of SDN and traditional networking are compared regarding their applicability for establishing distributed power grid control. In particular, we discuss the aspects of security, reliability, transmission paradigms, topology detection and configuration effort. Using a typical transmission grid scenario, derived from the well-established New England Test System (NETS), we demonstrate the capabilities of SDN to improve significantly on the reliability of MAS communications, while incurring minimal administration overhead. Overall, our study indicates clear benefits of applying SDN for distributed power grid control.