Master student project group RAC3R (Rapid Assistance through Connected Remotely operated Rescue Robotics) successfully completed
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The corona crisis did not prevent the successful conclusion of the project group RAC3R (Rapid Assistance through Connected Remotely operated Rescue Robotics) that presented its final results to the members of the CNI in the last 2020 quarter. The project group is part of the master course Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and consists of a group of students collaboratively taking on a scientific task. Within RAC3R, a group of 6 students was originally tasked with the development and optimization of a rescue robotic platform with a Multi-Radio Access Technology feature. The sanitary measures adopted to contain the Corona pandemic posed an additional challenge: full remote work. It was successfully taken on by the students, as they successfully pivoted and setup a virtual robotic simulation environment with real network interface support. A virtual model of the RAC3R robot and a portable implementation of the software stack to the real world were also delivered. Furthermore, the setup was enriched with network controls allowing to either tailor the network quality to match the simulated environment using raytracing or to freely investigate other specific communication scenarios and edge cases.
The picture on the left was taken from the running system during operation. The operator has access to the RAC3R robot inside the simulation environment located in the upper left corner, while the network transmitted video feed is shown in the lower left. The network exploration maps for both technologies 5G and Wi-Fi take up the lower right quadrant, while time series plots of the throughput and latency are in the upper right quadrant with an option to take over network control and manually define constraints.