Master student project group C.A.R.E (Collaborative Aerial Rescue Robots in Emergency Response) successfully completed
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As one of the final activities within the chair in 2019, the project group CARE (Collaborative Aerial Rescue Robots in Emergency Response) presented its final results to the members of CNI. The project group is part of the master course Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and challenges a group of students to solve a scientific task collaboratively. Within CARE, a group of 9 students realized a scaled system of ground and aerial robots which jointly executed emergency response several tasks, such as an exploration of an area affected by a natural desaster. But the highlight of the project group's presentation was surely, when two drones collaborated to synchronously transport an object within the given scenario to emulate a cleaning-up operation after a desaster. Despite the technical competencies, such as programming the control and communication of and between robots, the students also acquire practical knowledge regarding efficient project management and fruitful team work. A film about the final demonstration will soon be released on the video channel of our chair.
The photo shows most members of the project group after the final presentation with the CARE groud robot as well as the CARE drones.