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Kickoff for the Digital Week Dortmund (Digitale Woche Dortmund, diwodo) at the German Football Museum #diwodo19.

  • News
  • CC5G.NRW

The Communication Networks Institute supported the kick-off event of the third season of the Digital Week Dortmund as representative of the Competence Center 5G.NRW. This year's opening event at the DFB Museum offered a dynamic mixture of accompanying exhibition, versatile conference contributions on the topic of digital transformation and networking opportunities. In addition to an associated information desk, CNI demonstrated the potential of local 5G networks for use at major sporting events. The mobile 5G laboratory platform was used to show interested visitors the performance of new Network Slicing functionalities compared to established technologies such as Wi-Fi or LTE.

Brief info #diwodo19: Over 100 events, in more than 50 locations, with more than 80 organizers.

This year’s third edition of the Digital Week Dortmund takes place between the 4th and 8th of November 2019 and is initiated in cooperation with numerous organizers by the Wirtschaftsförderung Dortmund. With more than 80 organizers and 100 events at more than 50 locations, the program offers all those interested in digital technology, ranging from industry and commerce to science and interested citizens, the opportunity to experience local digitization projects and actively participate in the exchange of knowledge in numerous networking opportunities. Further information and an overview of the program are available online: #diwodo19 (German only).