Invited Talk on dependable wireless communication systems and deterministic 6G communication
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The EuCNC (European Conference on Networks and Communications) is the major event regarding the on-going work on future wireless communication sponsored by the European Commission. It has been recently merged with the 6G Summit, which was originally launched by the Finish 6G Flagship programme. This year is was held in Gothenburg, Sweden, from 6-9 June, 2023.
TU Dortmund has been invited to present at a special session on "Dependable wireless communication systems and deterministic 6G communication". Dr. Fabian Kurtz (CNI) presented joint research of the groups of Prof. Selma Saidi (Embedded Systems) and Christian Wietfeld (TU Dortmund University) in 6GEM on predictive slicing & guaranteed service quality in 6G. The title of the talk was "Open Platform for enabling context-aware latency guarantees and their continuous monitoring". The session was organized by Ericsson and KTH. Further presentations were provided by representatives from the EU projects HEXA-X and DETERMINISTIC.
Research background:
R. Wiebusch, N. A. Wagner, D. Overbeck, F. Kurtz, C. Wietfeld, "Towards Open 6G: Experimental O-RAN Framework for Predictive Uplink Slicing," In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Rome, Italy, May 2023.
A. Nota, S. Saidi, D. Overbeck, F. Kurtz, C. Wietfeld, "Context-based Latency Guarantees Considering Channel Degradation in 5G Network Slicing", In IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Houston, Texas, USA, December 2022.