Doctorate in Secure Mesh Protocols completed successfully
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On the 21.08.2015 Mr. Ph.D. Mohamed Sbeiti successfully passed the oral examination for a doctorate. We congratulate cordially!
The dissertation entitled “Secure and efficient routing in highly dynamic WLAN mesh networks” depicts design and performance evaluation of the innovative PASER protocol. PASER stands for Position- Aware, Secure and Efficient mesh Routing and offers a higher safety in routing attacks than existing IEEE 802.11s/i- safety mechanisms. It is shown, that PASER reaches a comparable performance in realistic scenarios, that the currently widely used, but insecure routing protocol hybrid wireless mesh protocol (HWMP) in combination with IEEE 802.11s safety mechanisms reach. The PASER protocol in particular provides protection against the so-called wormhole attack, that attackers use to sabotage a network. Thus PASER is especially well suited for communication networks with increased security requirements: in automatization technics, for Industry 4.0-szenarios and for cyber physical systems (CPS).
The dissertation will soon be published in the series “Dortmunder contributions to communication networks and systems” by Shaker Verlag.