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Doctorate in resource-efficient LTE Communication completed successfully

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Christoph Ide with his doctor hat © CNI

On 26.11.2015 Mr. Ph.D. Christoph Ide successfully passed the oral examination for a doctorate. We congratulate cordially!


The dissertation titled “Resource-Efficient LTE Machine-Type Communication in Vehicular Environments“ discusses a novel terminal controlled data transmission strategy, which reduces the correlation of Machine-2-Machine (M2M) data transfer to a quality of service of Human-2-Human (H2H) communication.


The recent multi criteria predictive Channel-Aware Transmission technique includes current and predicted channel quality, next to application requirements as well as client speed to calculate stochastic probability of delivery.

To rate the efficiency of pCAT a newly developed system model for the Long Term Evolution (LTE) air interface is applied, which regards heterogenic MTC and H2H data transmission. The results achieved in this dissertation show that pCAT enables a significant reduction of LTE occupancy rates. These reduction leads to over proportionate improvement in quality of service concerning H2H-communication.

This dissertation was supported by the “Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG) as part of the special research field 876 – Availability of information by analyzing while maintaining resource restrictions.

This dissertation will be released by Shaker Verlag among the series “Dortmunder Beiträge zu Kommunikationsnetzen und –systemen”.