Doctorate for the evaluation of radio-based machine-to-machine communication in Smart Grid applications successfully finished
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In the course of the energy turnaround the integration of volatile distributed energy resources in distribution level networks employing area-wide monitoring and control systems is necessary. The required ICT infrastructure needs to serve both specific installation scenarios as well as the demands for Smart Grid communication services to a plurality of terminals. Firstly an analysis of suitable mobile technologies was performed as part of the promotion by means of a detailed traffic analysis of the expected traffic, to identify suitable network planning parameters and bandwidth requirements for specific frequency bands. The provided realizable installation scenarios as part of communication technology outline a particular challenge, as they have to meet high quality of service requirements for a variety of M2M end points under difficult channel conditions (buildings and basements). Using detailed simulative and newly developed analytical channel models that have been enhanced for use for building penetration in sub – GHz range, technology-dependent network dimensioning approaches were derived and different options for a future mobile radio-based measurement and control network for energy systems compared.
The distribution will soon be published in the series “Dortmunder Beiträge zu Kommunikationsnetzen und –systemen” by Shaker Verlag.