Dissertation on embedded machine-learning for wireless networks receives prestigious VDE award
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On Nov 9, 2023, Benjamin Sliwa has received the VDE dissertation award for his thesis on the development and analysis of end-edge intelligence mechanisms for delay-tolerant vehicle-to-cloud communications. Taking the predicted end-to-end data rate into account, different opportunistic medium access methods are proposed to achieve a more efficient utilization of the existing network resources. For this purpose, supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning methods are brought together to autonomously detect and exploit favorable transmission opportunities - the so-called connectivity hotspots - by leveraging context knowledge from the network, mobility, and application domains. The work documented in the thesis was performed within the DFG Cooperative Research Centre SFB 876 and has received a number of awards in recent years.
The great practical relevance of the work was underlined both in the welcoming address from the Dortmund Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) by its Deputy Managing Director Wulf-Christian Ehrich and in the keynote speech by Dr. Wolfgang Theimer, VW Infotainment.