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Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

DFG Research Group Extended

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The demands to energy grids are continually becoming more complex because of the use of renewable sources of energy - and with that also the demands to their management, surveillance and their safety. During the last three years, the interdisciplinary DFG research group 1511 has developed innovative safety and guidance systems for future energy systems. The results of this research were presented to the peer reviewers of the DFG as part of an inspection with the result that the research project has been extended for three more years.


As it has been during the first period, Prof. Wietfeld also leads the two subprojects concerning the hybrid simulation of energy grids and communication networks as well as the research on tolerant and real-time capable information and communication networks during the second period of the research group. In the scope of another subproject, he will be in charge of the investigation of new communication solutions for the peripheral agent-based coordination of power flow and voltage control.