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CNI expands 5G research by successfully acquiring further research projects

  • News
  • CC5G.NRW
  • 5Guarantee
  • Plan & Play
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We are pleased to announce that the Communication Networks Institute successfully acquired two projects funded by the 5G.NRW program. This reaffirms the institute's accomplishments, enabling us to sustainably expand and strengthen the focus on 5G research. With the role as consortium leader in the Plan & Play project and as a partner in the 5Guarantee project, we will contribute significantly to accelerating 5G as a key technology for demanding applications in industrial campus networks.

Plan & Play

The goal of the Plan & Play project is to effectively support potential users in the detailed identification of required network infrastructure and planning processes. To this end, our web-based campus network planner introduced in the first version by the Competence Center CC5G.NRW will be expanded into a full-fledged, freely accessible network planning tool for ad-hoc 5G campus networks. The network planning functions to be used are based on the latest algorithms of online reinforcement learning. These are tested and optimized in two disjunctive fields of application, sports events and cellular intralogistics, within the framework of an agile research process in interaction with the project segment "Play" together with the project partners Riedel Communications (Wuppertal) and Fraunhofer IML (Dortmund).


5Guarantee aims to explore a flexible system for continuous, cross-network monitoring of end-to-end performance guarantees for demand-driven 5G campus networks. While selective individual measurements at the time of installation often reveal the hoped-for peak performance values, 5Guarantee is particularly investigating a spatially distributed stress test, by which network quality is continuously monitored actively and independently of the implementation variant. Furthermore, the system enables the pro-active mapping of future manufacturing communication traffic to indicate possible bottlenecks and required extensions at an early stage. The project's strong focus on operational requirements of the manufacturing industry is expressed by the fact that the 5G quality functions developed in 5Guarantee are not integrated into the corporate landscape through classic telco network management interfaces, but through appropriately adapted industry 4.0 interfaces. The ambitious goals of the project will be realized under the lead of the consulting agency WIK-Consult in cooperation with established manufacturing companies in North Rhine-Westphalia (Weidmüller and Miele as well as other associated partners). Topics of IT security as well as functional security are addressed by innovative start-ups (PHYSEC, Comnovo). In close cooperation with the Ruhr University Bochum, we deliver valuable contributions in the field of 5G and its interaction with automated production processes.

Further information and an overview of all successful project submissions is given in the following press release: Wettbewerb 5G.NRW: Landesregierung fördert 13 herausragende 5G-Projekte mit bis zu 26 Millionen Euro