BMBF 6G research hub "6GEM" visits DRZ Living Lab for evaluation experiments
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- 6GEM

In the 6GEM project, TU Dortmund University is using agile and all-terrain walking robots as a platform to gradually develop novel communication modules and methods in particularly challenging radio environments. The goal of the successful first test experiments was a reliable provision of sensor information provided by the walking robot based on an advanced multi-link approach. The results of the experiments will soon be presented in a scientific publication.
The Living Lab of the DRZ is ideal for experiments and tests with robotic systems. Having been created as a physical infrastructure in the BMBF project "Establishment of the German Rescue Robotics Center", its capacities are now available for research, application and industry.
Contact for this news:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Wietfeld, TU Dortmund, Communication Networks Institute
Further information on the research initiatives can be found here: