B. Sliwa, N. Piatkowski, C. Wietfeld, LIMITS: Lightweight machine learning for IoT systems with resource limitations, In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dublin, Ireland, June 2020.
- Best Paper Awards

Abstract - Exploiting big data knowledge on small devices will pave the way for building truly cognitive Internet of Things (IoT) systems. Although machine learning has led to great advancements for IoT-based data analytics, there remains a huge methodological gap for the deployment phase of trained machine learning models. For given resource-constrained platforms such as Microcontroller Units (MCUs), model choice and parametrization are typically performed based on heuristics or analytical models. However, these approaches are only able to provide rough estimates of the required system resources as they do not consider the interplay of hardware, compiler specific optimizations, and code dependencies. In this paper, we present the novel open source framework LIghtweight Machine learning for IoT Systems (LIMITS), which applies a platform-in-the-loop approach explicitly considering the actual compilation toolchain of the target IoT platform. LIMITS focuses on high level tasks such as experiment automation, platform-specific code generation, and sweet spot determination. The solid foundations of validated low-level model implementations are provided by the coupled well-established data analysis framework Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA). We apply and validate LIMITS in two case studies focusing on cellular data rate prediction and radio-based vehicle classification, where we compare different learning models and real world IoT platforms with memory constraints from 16 kB to 4 MB and demonstrate its potential to catalyze the development of machine learning enabled IoT systems.