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Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

B. Sliwa, J. Pillmann, F. Eckermann, C. Wietfeld, "LIMoSim: A lightweight and integrated approach for simulating vehicular mobility with OMNeT++", In OMNeT++ Community Summit 2017, Bremen, Germany, September 2017

  • Best Paper Awards
Best paper awards certificate © CNI

Abstract -Reliable and efficient communication is one of the key requirements for the deployment of self-driving cars. Consequently, researchers and developers require efficient and precise tools for the parallel development of vehicular mobility and communication. Although current state-of-the-art approaches allow the coupled simulation of those two components, they are making use of multiple specialized simulators that are synchronized using interprocess communication, resulting in highly complex simulation setups. Furthermore, the compatibility of those simulators requires constant attention as they are developed independently. In this paper, we present a lightweight and integrated approach for simulating vehicular mobility directly in Objective Modular Network Testbed in C++ (OMNeT++) and INET without the need for external tools or Interprocess Communication (IPC). The proposed framework Lightweight ICT-centric Mobility Simulation (LIMoSim) is available as Open Source software and can easily be combined with other third-party extension frameworks for providing vehicular mobility based on well-known microscopical models. In contrast to existing approaches, the amount of necessary preprocessing steps for simulation setups is significantly reduced. The capabilities of LIMoSim are demonstrated by a proof of concept evaluation in combination with the Long Term Evolution (LTE) simulation framework SimuLTE.