6G researchers meet in Dortmund to discuss latest advances in mobile communications research
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On June 14 and 15, 2023, the 4th plenary meeting of the BMBF-funded research hub 6GEM took place in Dortmund with more than 130 participants. In addition to project leaders, postdocs and PhD students from the participating universities and Fraunhofer institutes, a delegation from Japan as well as industry partners participated. The meeting, which was organized by the Chair of Communication Networks at TU Dortmund University (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Wietfeld) together with the Chair of Materials Handling and Warehousing at TU Dortmund University and Fraunhofer IML (both Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael ten Hompel), took place on the premises of the Logistics Campus Dortmund. Here, not only more than 60 6GEM posters of ongoing work were presented, but also 15 demonstrators and 3 test field demos from the fields of logistics, scaled Automotive and rescue robotics. A highlight of the program was a presentation by the President of Japan's NICT Institute (National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology), Prof. Tokuda, and a technology panel with guests from industry who gave their perspective on 6G research priorities. The panel was co-organized by Monika Gatzke of CC5G.NRW, in which TU Dortmund University is also a major participant. On the TU Dortmund side, various professors from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Professors Wietfeld, Saidi, Faulwasser and Krummrich) , Computer Science (Professors Chen and Liebig) and Mechanical Engineering (Professor ten Hompel) are involved.
6GEM Website: https://www.6gem.de/de/
BMBF Website on 6G Research Hubs: https://www.forschung-it-sicherheit-kommunikationssysteme.de/forschung/kommunikationssysteme/6g-forschungs-hubs