5G.NRWeek Rocket Session: interactive live rescue robotics demo at high-profile 5G event
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The high profile event, organized by the Competence Center 5G.NRW and opened by Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart (Minister for Economics, Technology and Innovation of North-Rhine Westfalia), discussed the progress of 5G, that was made in the last year with colleagues from Ericsson, Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom and Riedel, a hidden-champion from North Rhine-Westphalia for leading-edge technologies for media productions and global events.
The interactive demo, presented by Prof. Christian Wietfeld and Dirk Aschenbrenner (Director of the fire department Dortmund and coordinator of German Rescue Robotics Center) aimed to highlight how reliable 5G communication solutions support emergency response teams in ciritical situations. The goal: to make firefighting and rescue operations safer and more effective in the future - by benefiting from highly efficient 5G networks to monitor and operate mobile robotic systems. A local ad-hoc 5G standalone network enables the reliable transmission of high-resolution video data in real-time directly on site. With an immersive virtual reality 360° visualization, emergency services can reliably assess critical (hazardous) situations.
The live stream with the demo beginning at about minute 40:00 is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntWZ_NOIpzg