5G Campus Network Planning Tool with new feature
- News

The previous offer on the part of the Competence Center 5G.NRW to lower the entry barriers to the 5G campus network topic with the Campus Network Planning Tool will be extended by a further feature. Since 21.09.2020, the Federal Network Agency has published an overview of previous allocation holders for local frequency usage in the 3.7-3.8 GHz range (to the document).This is intended to support the defined objective of the BNetzA to obtain more information about the allocation holders and their respective industries on the one hand and to identify the potential for interference between previous and future neighboring allocations at an early stage on the other.
All allocation holders published by the BNetzA can now be displayed with a simple click
You can reach the 5G Campus Network Planning Tool as usual at https://5g.nrw/campusnetzplaner.
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